INNGRIT INC.|zero point clamping system


We do not assume any express or implied warranty responsibility for the use or purchase of the Zero Point Clamping System (hereinafter referred to as the "Product"), including but not limited to the suitability, quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose of the Product.

Assumption of Risk

The use of the Product involves risks, and users should assume these risks themselves. We are not liable for any damages or losses, including but not limited to property damage, personal injury, business interruption, or any indirect, special, or consequential damages arising from the use or misuse of the Product.

Product Warranty

Unless explicitly stated otherwise in written warranty terms, we do not provide any warranty regarding the Product. We make no guarantees about the performance or functionality of the Product.

Intellectual Property

We respect the intellectual property of others and expect users to do the same. We are not responsible for any actions of users that may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties through the use of the Product.

Applicable Law

This disclaimer is governed by the laws of the respective jurisdiction and shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of that jurisdiction.

Changes and Modifications

We reserve the right to change or modify these disclaimers at any time. We recommend checking these terms regularly to ensure that you are aware of the latest version.